Heart of the Business Tip #5: Minimize Workplace Negativity

The MedHQ team is excited to participate in the Metro Chicago Heart Walk for the second year in a row, sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA). This September, the Chicago walk, along with other events throughout the U.S., will raise money and awareness for cardiovascular research.

Our team is passionate about this cause. The work we do focuses on giving healthcare organizations the support they need to better serve patients, with the goal of helping people live healthier lives.

As we get closer to the walk, we are sharing a tip each month based on a favorite mantra we have at MedHQ: “We are at the heart of healthcare businesses.” Read our past posts: 1) maintain a diverse workforce, 2) create a positive workplace, 3) keep your employees engaged, and 4) communicate more effectively.

This month’s tip is: minimize workplace negativity.

We know instinctively that a positive workplace is more pleasant to be in. But did you know that there is a growing body of research that shows a positive work environment has significant benefits – and a negative workplace can cause major problems?

Studies show that high-stress or toxic workplaces harm employee productivity, engagement, and retention, and lead to increased healthcare expenditures. Positive workplaces, on the other hand, improves well-being, relationships, and positivity, and fosters creativity, productivity, and resilience.

Encourage a supportive and positive environment within your organization with these best practices.

Be Open to Employee Leadership

Give employees opportunities to offer feedback and be part of the decision-making process in your organization, especially aspects that affect their jobs directly. What are ways you can strengthen your workplace culture? What are some of the challenges and stumbling blocks that need to be addressed? What is working well?

Provide a clear path for employees to grow and advance within the organization. Offering leadership development and promotion opportunities can boost morale and positivity among employees.

Keep Up Communication

Miscommunications and uncertainty are often the source of workplace unhappiness. Make clear and consistent communication a priority from the top down – minimizing harmful misunderstandings and rumors. Remember that actions speak louder than words, so be careful that organizational policies are clearly communicated and enforced fairly with all employees.

Diffuse Negativity

Lead by example to create a more positive workplace. If you hear someone speaking in a negative manner, don’t join in. Try to deescalate or direct the conversation into more constructive territory. When you see people engaging in behavior that contributes to a negative environment, focus on how you can inform and educate – with compassion and patience, not criticism and judgment.

Interested in more healthy business tips? Download our eBook.