One way an ASC’s HR department can help a center operate more efficiently in a competitive marketplace is to cut down on costs by utilizing fair compensation programs that will draw desirable and qualified employees. This strategy will also cut down on costly high turnover rates, which can force surgery center management to be in perpetual hiring mode.
MedHQ has worked with over 70 healthcare facility partners to find HR savings that also deliver the benefits of improving employee satisfaction and reducing risk. Through the process, MedHQ gleaned a host of key findings that guided the creation of the MedHQ 10-Point HR Audit (10-Point HR Audit). The 10-Point HR Audit identifies inefficiencies that, when addressed, can result in six-figure savings for a healthcare facility.
To find compensation savings, MedHQ developed and utilizes a 100-question job analysis guide to understand how much a job is ‘worth’ relative to other jobs. Each job is scored and compared to ASC association data to determine pay. When employees understand the thoughtful, fair process, they are more satisfied and turnover is less likely. Two benefits are:
- Centers can save $10,000- 12,000 per person by minimizing unwanted turnover
- Centers can also save on related replacement costs including advertising,hiring temporary and permanent placement agencies, as well as onboarding new employees.
“A good process is to score each job well and then use data from credible sources such as the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association regarding the average pay for specific positions, keeping in mind the same job may be weighted differently at different centers,” said Tom Jacobs, MedHQ CEO. “MedHQ uses the data as a starting point, then takes into account information gleaned from the 100-question job analysis guide to structure compensation guidelines for each surgery center.”
Click here to download the MedHQ white paper, “10 Ways to Save $10,000 in Human Resources.”